This is a series of shallow reefs off Dyer Rocks and Yarrow Point. They're marked by a navigational buoy and they drop down on the outside to over 100 feet deep. It's too far to swim from shore and I came here on a dive boat charter (Ogden Point). We didn't intend to dive this area, but the wind was up on the Sidney side of the peninsula, so we came here for a second dive after Wain Rock (March 15, 2009). We anchored about 40 feet deep and I swam out to the outside of the marker underwater. Visibility was around 10 feet in the shallows, but it cleared up to 40-50 feet below 50 feet deep. There was a rolling, gently sloping rocky reef with the occasional group of boulders. At 70 feet deep, I was surprised to see a feather star. Then they were all over the place. I almost felt like I was in Nanaimo. Feather stars are so rare in the Victoria area that I've only seen about 2 of them in hundreds of dives. Here, they're even clustered together. They continued down past 100 feet deep. There was also a fair amount (for the Inlet) of white plumose anemones, swimming anemones, kelp greenlings, quillback, copper and brown rockfish and a lingcod on eggs. At around 100 feet deep I saw a boulder covered with zoanthids. I wanted to keep going farther and deeper, but my computer told me to turn around. I didn't see any big walls, sponges or sixgills, but those feather stars were a strange surprise.
plumose anemones
feather stars
feather stars
swimming anemone
quillback rockfish
kelp greenling
feather star and plumose anemones
quillback rockfish with buggered eye
feather stars
copper rockfish
plumose anemones
feather stars
feather star
feather stars
plumose anemone in shallows
plumose anemone
plumose anemone and sunflower star
seastar and anemone in shallows
sunflower star in shallows
anemone and sunflower star
on boat
on boat
leaving buoy
buoy and Yarrow Point