anemone and urchins
anemone and urchins
        These are from April 23, 2011. Visibility was 15-20 feet. I swam out from the Southern tip of the islet to try and find the deeper reefs with the schools of fish that I found last time. Past the base of the rocky islet (40 feet deep), the flat, gently-sloping bottom was scattered with large boulders topped with plumose anemones and urchins. I found a large, steep reef that went down to 85 feet deep. I saw a school of black rockfish and several copper/quillback rockfish, but I don't know if this was the reef I saw last time. Some of the rocks were covered with cemented tube worms and bryozoans. It seemed like there can be a decent flow of current here at times. I even saw some small clumps of hydrocoral.
base of islet 40 feet deep
kelp in shallows
fish-eating anemone and urchins on boulder
seastar and boulder in background
anemones and urchins on boulder
plumose anemones
seastar on deeper reef
anemones on deeper reef
quillback rockfish near plumose anemone and school of black rockfish in background
school of black rockfish
quillback rockfish on deeper reef
urchins on deeper reef
urchin and byrozoans on deeper reef
copper rockfish over cemented tubeworms
yellow nipple sponge
deeper reef
plumose anemones on boulder
plumose anemones on boulders
urchins and anemones on boulder
anemones on boulder
anemones on another boulder
anemones on boulder
urchins and small anemone
urchins at base of islet
seastars and urchins at base of islet
sunflower star and urchins
urchins and fish-eating anemone near islet
fish-eating anemone
fish-eating anemones
coraline algae near surface
anemone in crack in shallows
under kelp in shallows
under boat
boat tied to islet
on islet at low tide
tied to islet
tied to islet