These photos are from April 24, 2022. Visibility was about 15-20'. I swam down along the slope near shore:
        I swam out to the farther reefs:
        Back at the rocky slope near shore:
        One thing I find strange about this dive is that I didn't see any Puget Sound king crabs. On every other dive I've done here over the last 15 years or so, I've seen several. Since people started killing them a few years ago, they've been essentially wiped out along the Victoria waterfront. They congregate in the relative shallows between February and April to moult and mate. These groupings in shallow water make them easy targets for freedivers. Now the only places you can see these crabs in the area is at the Ogden Point breakwater (where it's illegal to kill them) and here in Enterprise Channel. I always assumed they were safe from freedivers here in Enterprise Channel because of the current. Hopefully they haven't all been killed here too.
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